9. 1. 2025


Zveme Vás na EBMA, přelomový vzdělávací program pro vrcholové manažery, jehož cílem je změnit oblast marketingu v České republice. Čeká vás 104 hodin prezenční výuky, špičkoví odborníci na marketing v České republice i jedinečná příležitost, jelikož se jedná o jediný program svého druhu u nás.
Secure your spot

Groundbreaking Executive Education program for senior executives, designed to transform the field of marketing in the Czech Republic.


Duration: 104 hours of learning
Expert Lecturers: Led by top marketing professionals in the Czech Republic
Unique Opportunity: The only program of its kind here.


What is the Evidence-Based Marketing Academy?

The Evidence-Based Marketing Academy is a comprehensive program grounded in evidence-based marketing principles. It focuses on leveraging real-world data and the latest scientific research to drive more effective and efficient marketing strategies. The curriculum is enriched by the insights and experiences of industry leaders, bringing international perspectives to the Czech marketing landscape.

This initiative, developed in collaboration with the Marketing Council which was established under the Association of Communication Agencies of the Czech Republic and supported by the insights of internationally seasoned experts, offers an opportunity for experienced marketers, who aspire to elevate their careers and deepen their expertise with the most advanced marketing and PR strategies.

Who is it for?

Tailored for experienced marketers, the EBMA Life-Long Learning program is perfect for those looking to bolster their position within their organizations. It is an ideal choice for professionals seeking to complement their higher education with specialized knowledge in contemporary marketing practices.

Program Highlights

Comprehensive Curriculum:

Dive into subjects like marketing leadership, brand and market growth strategies, marketing and communication strategies, research, public relations, and the financial aspects of marketing, including pricing dynamics, brand value, and budget management. Designed to cover all aspects of strategic marketing, the program showcases its application through examples of world-class work.

Expert Faculty:

Learn from the legends of Czech marketing, including names like Josef Havelka, Jakub Petřina, Štefan Sarvaš, Steffan Saemann, Jan Suda, and Rostislav Starý. This semester, the program also features special guest speakers with international expertise.

International Perspective:

The academy not only brings key insights from global marketing to the Czech Republic but also demonstrates how to apply these lessons practically, providing students with the skills to turn marketing into a pivotal function within their companies.

Interactive and Intensive Format:

The program unfolds over 10 two-day sessions (Friday and Saturday), ensuring an engaging and comprehensive educational experience. With a maximum capacity of 25 students per year, the course is tailored by interactive learning and personalized attention for each student.

Application Details

Prospective students are encouraged to apply by submitting their CV and a motivation letter, demonstrating their interest in the program and outlining how they believe it will enhance their career trajectory.

Key Information

Start Date: 28. 02. – 13. 6. 2025
Duration: 104 hours of learning over 10 two-day sessions
Program Fee: 65,000 CZK
Location: Prague, TBA
Language: English

Secure your spot


Expert Lecturers:

Josef Havelka
Josef Havelka
Jakub Petřina
Jakub Petřina
štefan Sarvaš
Štefan Sarvaš
Snímek obrazovky 2025-01-17 v 18.26.00
Steffen Saemann
Jan Suda
Jan Suda
Rostislav Starý
Josef Karásek
Josef Karásek
Jan Binar
Jan Binar